Import data from Sage Accounts Production Advanced

To import the data some tasks are required in Sage APA, followed by some tasks in Business Tax.

To import the accounts data from Sage APA:

  1. Start Sage APA and log in as normal.
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Sage Links then Export to Sage Taxation. The Export to Sage Taxation window appears.
  3. If the client you want to export is not shown, change it.How?

    To change client, in the Current Client (sometimes just Client) box, click on the client's name. The Client Selection window appears. Click on the name of the client you want to open, and click OK.

    Note: If you can't see your client in the list, from the Search Criteria drop-down list choose All Clients.

  4. Choose the year's data to export from the Year drop-down list.
  5. Although you can change the path for the export file, we recommend that you keep the default. The export file will then be saved in the correct location for your Sage Taxation programs to find. The file name contains your client reference and year end date, to help you with identification.

    Note: If the export path begins, C:\hc\ASCII, you need to tell Sage APA where you've installed Sage Taxation. How?

    1. From the Settings menu choose System Setup. The System Setup window appears.
    2. Click the Client Integration tab.
    3. In the Transmit Directory box, replace the current entry with C:\SageData\UKTax\Master\Import\AP, where 'C' is the drive letter of your Taxation installation.
    4. Click OK to save the changes.

  6. If you want any of the Sage Taxation programs to open as soon as the export file has been created, choose the appropriate program.
  7. Click OK to create the Export file.
  8. If your client has cost centres set up you may want to export figures for a particular cost centre. A window appears asking for the number of the cost centre from which to export data. Enter the number of the cost centre, if appropriate, or leave the box empty if you want all the data exported. Click OK.
  9. One of the following things will then happen:
    • If you chose to have confirmation only, a confirmation box appears.
    • If you chose to open Sage Personal Tax click here.
    • If you chose to open Sage Business Tax click here.
    • If you chose to open Sage Partnership Tax click here.
  10. If you chose to open Sage Personal Tax:
  11. This assumes you have already set up the client in Sage Personal Tax and set up the self-employment you want the accounts data to be brought into. If you haven't done this please refer to the Sage Personal Tax Help.

    1. Log in to Sage Personal Tax. The Client List window appears.
    2. Select the client to import the accounts data into.
    3. Click Select. Your client opens.
    4. If the correct year isn't displayed, use the year drop-down list at the top of the navigator to choose the correct year. Show me.
    5. Using the navigator, select the relevant Self-employments and open the Accounts Information page.
    6. Click Accounts Import. You'll be warned that the import will first delete all data for the current accounting period. Click Yes to delete any data for the current accounting period. The Accounts Link window appears. Show me.
    7. Choose Sage Accounts Production Advanced (Standard) from the Template drop-down list.
    8. Check the path to the import file is correct. If it's not, or if no file is shown, select a file by clicking the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Import File box.

    9. Click Import to import the data. You will see the imported data in the Accounts Information section of the self employment.

    For further information about importing data into Sage Personal Tax, refer to the topic 'What is the Accounts Link?' in the Sage Personal Tax help.

  12. If you chose to open Sage Business Tax:
  13. This assumes you have already set up the client in Sage Business Tax.

    1. Log in to Sage Business Tax. The Client List window appears.
    2. Select the client to import the accounts data into.
    3. Click Select. Your client opens.
    4. Choose the correct Accounting Period to import the data to. Show me.
    5. From the Tools menu, choose Import Accounts Data. The Import Accounts Data window appears. Show me

    6. Note: The Accounts Import will always import accounts data for the currently selected accounting period (even if the accounting period you exported was a different one). Also note that only standard accounts data is transferred, capital allowances are not.

    7. Choose Sage Accounts Production Advanced (Standard) from the Template drop-down list.
    8. Check the path to the import file is correct. If it's not, or if no file is shown, select a file by clicking the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Import File box.

    9. Click Import to import the data. You will see the data in the Standard Accounts Information pages for the business.
  14. If you chose to open Sage Partnership Tax:
  15. This assumes you have already set up the client in Sage Partnership Tax. If you haven't done this, please refer to the Sage Partnership Tax help.

    1. Log in to Sage Partnership Tax. The Client List window appears.
    2. Select the client to import the accounts data into.
    3. Click Select. Your client opens.
    4. Choose the correct year to import the data to. Show me.
    5. From the Returns menu, choose Import Accounts Data. The Import Accounts Data window appears. Show me.
    6. Note: The Accounts Import will always import accounts data for the currently selected accounting period (even if the accounting period you exported was a different one). Also note that only standard accounts data is transferred: capital allowances are not.

    7. Choose Sage Accounts Production Advanced (Standard) from the Template drop-down list.
    8. Check the path to the import file is correct. If it's not, or if no file is shown, select a file by clicking the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Import File box.

    9. Click Import to import the data. You will see the data on page 4 of the Partnership tax return.
  16. If you chose to have confirmation only, a confirmation box appears. Or, if you chose to open Sage Business Tax you will see the following: